The band Beatnix sings the Led Zeppelin song “Stairway To Heaven” in a Beatles-style. The video looks retro, being in black & white. The video is 2 minutes, 40 seconds long.
Author: Vunny
Case of the humans… earth cartoon
Maybe this should be posted for Earth Day in April…? [youtube GKEAXOnogZU nolink] Animation featuring “Planet Earth”.
Turkeys come to life
Do turkeys like to eat pumpkin pie? What would you do if this happened to you…? [youtube 1CndP1fYC0M nolink] Watch and see this stop-motion combined with live-action short (1:18)
Top 10 reasons to return an iPhone (or not)
This list of top 10 has a twist halfway through… and then another twist… [youtube FEiEUSMEBG4 nolink] The iPhone is a good phone, and activation is via the iTunes interface. From there, you’re on your own… it has a lot of features to try.
iPhone in a blender – will it blend?
Painful to watch, even if you don’t want an iPhone… [youtube qg1ckCkm8YI nolink] The iPhone was blended to a fine dust… except for the metal rim. Is it being sold on eBay now…?
Waterbed people
Funny if you like to see people testing out waterbeds… unaware that they are going to get very wet. [youtube vdDMpx7e-0I nolink] (translation needed for the first part, but the joke is international)
Funny Penguin Hop
The penguin is wigging out at the zoo… plus a bear slouching around. [youtube _ZxxYaKl_EU nolink] It’s 43 seconds of fun.
Talking dogs (amazing!)
Seems that some dogs naturally can say “I love mama” and other words. The fancy word for this is Anthropomorphic, known here as pretending animals are part human: [youtube ZCYaw5tGYAs nolink] funny dogs!
Singing Deer
A wall-mounted deer head sings and talks… a little creepy? [youtube APPUIzI0Cv4 nolink] one minute long… Buck the deer.
Practical Joke – hidden water
Practical Joke – the intro is in German but the joke is visual – part of a path is redone as a hidden water pit: [youtube 0DUoldLCARA nolink] 90 seconds long… with a musical soundtrack.